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www.InvestorsGoldmine.com | 4/2.5 BATH, POOL, BRICK HOME, WINTER PARK, 420K | ARV 700

www.InvestorsGoldmine.com 4/2.5 BATH, POOL, BRICK HOME, WINTER PARK, 420K | ARV 700 $419,900  4 bd, 2.5 ba, 3050 sqft ...

Friday, April 28, 2017

If you are having trouble with your mortgage I can help you.


"List My House For Sale"

  • Have 4-6 months? Listing may put more in your pocket
  • Save your credit from the wreckage of a foreclosure
  • See if your situation qualifies
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"Get A Fair Cash Offer Today"

  • Let us know about your situation and your house
  • We'll evaluate it quickly (usually within 48 hours)
  • You'll receive a fair win-win all cash offer
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What is the Short Sale Process in Orlando?

A short sale occurs when the mortgage loans, other liens, and closing costs, against a property, are greater than the proceeds from the sale, and the lender agrees to accept this lower payoff amount.

How do I qualify for a Short Sale?

You must be able to prove a financial hardship, which can be a loss of employment or income, divorce, relocation, job transfer, major illness and medical expense, or unexpected expenses. A short sale is for those who have to sell, not for those who want to sell. You must provide a hardship letter detailing the issues that brought you to this situation.

What kind of information do I have to provide?

A seller will have to provide a hardship letter that explains why you are in a hardship and gives details, and must be signed and dated. You will need to provide your last two months of bank statements, last two pay stubs, last two years of tax returns, last years W-2 form, a Third Party Authorization Letter, and a Financial Worksheet completed and signed.

Can I get any cash out of a short sale?

Qualified homeowners can get $3,000 back from a short sale to use for relocation expenses, as part of the Making Home Affordable Plan. The program,Making Home Affordable Plan expired on January 1, 2017

Is there any advantage to doing a short sale?

Your credit can recover from a short sale in less than two years, but a foreclosure or bankruptcy will take 7 to 10 years. A foreclosure will affect your credit far more in the long term and in some states the lender can seek a deficiency judgment and can come after other property or assets you own. Consult your accountant regarding any tax liabilities.

How long can I stay in the house?

You can stay until the closing. If you are facing foreclosure and you are actively working with your lender, you can sometimes get the lender to delay foreclosure which allows you to stay in the home for some time.

Are there other issues to be concerned about when trying to get short sale approval?

You need to be aware of anyone approaching you with something too good to be true. Unfortunately, there are unscrupulous individuals who may try to take advantage. Do not pay anyone up front fees to ‘negotiate’ your short sale. Do not sign a deed, power of attorney or anything that would transfer your ownership. Remember that anyone trying to purchase your home is looking for their own ‘best deal’ not yours.

Who can help negotiate a short sale?

There are many Realtors and Mortgage Brokers who negotiate and work short sales, but some lack the knowledge and experience necessary to properly execute one. You may also use your attorney to negotiate the short sale.

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Sunday, April 23, 2017

How to sell your House Quickly in Orlando without any Hassle

How to sell your House Quickly in Orlando without any Hassle


If you want to sell your house, but you’re thinking about selling it in the summer, you may want to rethink that plan. Here are 4 reason why summer house selling isn’t ideal in Florida, but there are other reasons too.
There might be a number of different reasons why you need to sell your Orlando Florida house fast.
To find answers to your Real Estate questions visit my blog.
Please visit our current listings.
Sell your home by yourself | FSBO
Are you worried on how to sell your house quickly in Orlando without any hassle?
In this article I’ll dive into some ways you can start to look at to sell your local house more quickly.
There are lots of reasons people need to sell their house fast.
For instance, some of these reasons may include:
  • need to relocate to another city because of a job change
  • vacant property is being a burden on you
  • divorce
  • financial hardship
  • you inherited a house that you don’t want to keep
  • … among other reasons for needing to sell your house
So, if you’re looking to sell your local home fast (which who wants to sell their house slowly anyway?)… check out some of my tips below in this quick article.

Leverage The Web To Get The Word Out

Stats have shown that over 80% of house buyers go to the web first to research and find houses.
So if your house isn’t on the web… how are buyers going to find out about your house?
There are lots of ways to get your house online. You can list it on websites like Zillow, redfin, Craigslist… or even setup your own website for the property.
Then, take that property listing and get it everywhere online that you can. List it on all of the classifieds websites (again, Craigslist, Backpage, etc.).
Total Cost: FREE – Cheap (most routes are free, but some of these sites have paid versions)

Use Facebook To Spread The Word About Your Orlando House For Sale

One of the best ways to sell a house is through word of mouth.
Tell all of your friends and family that you’re selling… and have them tell everyone they know.
Also, hop on your Facebook account and share the property listing with your friends and ask them to spread the word for you to all of their friends who may be interested. What you need to do is simply send your link to your Facebook friends.
There may be a person in dire need of a house. Besides, you may also get a friend who may link you up with a buyer. The importance of using Facebook over other social networks is that it is free and you only need to be connected to the internet in your computer.
Total Cost:  FREE

Use of Local Dailies (Newspapers, Magazines, etc.)

One of the things we’ll do whenever we need to sell a house fast is also get our property in the local newspaper. It gets your house in front of lots of people… and one place lots of buyers look for houses is in the “homes for sale” section of the paper.  Put your phone number… a link to your online listing if you have one… a picture (ads with pictures get many many more responses than ads without the picture of the house).
Add in a few of the best parts about your house… the price… and end with a clear call to action on how they can setup a time to come check your house out.
Total Cost: Under $100

Get Your House On The Local Orlando FL MLS

The number one place buyers look for a house is the “multiple listing service”. That’s the fancy name for where houses go when a Realtor “list” a house.
A listing for your house will go into a central database that all local Orlando real estate agents in our area will have access to… so they can bring their buyers to the houses on the MLS that fit what they’re looking for.
You can get your house on the MLS without hiring a real estate agent to sell your house.  Some agents will let you pay a few hundred bucks to just list your house on the MLS for you and take no commission on the sale.

Sell Your House To A Reputable Local Property Buyer Like Eugene Hoffman LLC

Last, as another option to sell your house… if you really need to sell your Orlando.
We buy houses in and around Orlando FL, and can close quickly.
If you want to sell your house and are curious on how the process works… and want to see what we can pay you for your house… you can get that ball rolling in a couple ways.
  1. Give us a call today at (407) 781-7312: We’ll ask a few basic questions about your house… and within 24 hours we’ll make you an offer on your house. No Obligation at all. If the price works for you. Great! We can close on your timeline… in as little as 7 days.
  2. Go fill out this really short and simple form with your basic house info: We’ll evaluate the property as soon as we get it today… then we’ll call you with a formal offer on your house in less than 24 hours.
It’s really simple.  You pay no feesNo commissions.
We just agree on a price that works for both of us and that’s it.
Let us make you an offer on your Orlando area house (we buy in other parts of FL as well). You don’t have anything to lose.  And you can have your house sold by this time next week (if you wanted us to close that fast) rather than having to wait months and months to market your house yourself the traditional way.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

How Much Cash Flow Do You Need For A Rental To Make Sense in FL?

There might be a number of different reasons why you need to sell your Orlando Florida house fast.

To find answers to your Real Estate questions visit my blog.
Please take a peek at our current listings.
If you’re thinking about investing in a rental property, you might be weighing the costs and potential income. If so, you’re probably wondering: “How much cash flow do you need for a rental to make sense in FL?” This is a great question, and the answer might surprise you…
Cash flow. It’s the reason why most real estate investors acquire rental property! So perhaps you’re wondering how much cash flow do you need for a rental property to make sense in Orlando – GREAT question.
The answer is challenging to give (because the number is different for everyone) but here a few ways to figure it out for yourself…

How Much Cash Flow Do You Need For A Rental To Make Sense In FL?

Many investors want to start out of the gate with a highly profitable cash flowing property, but that’s not always the case. Millionaire cash flow real estate expert Robert Kiyosaki’s first real estate investment was just $25 cash flow positive each month! Today, Kiyosaki is very successful and wealthy.
So the first thing you need to do is make sure your expectations are realistic.
Instead of focusing on a single large cash flow amount each month, think of it this way: at the end of the month will you have less money left over, will you have exactly the same amount, or will you be profitable?
What’s interesting is: all of these are viable options…

Cash flow negative

This is when your expenses are more than your cash flow. While some investors want to avoid this scenario, it’s not that bad if the expenses-to-income is fairly close or if the expenses are more than cash flow for a short period of time. While you may not want to have a large cash flow negative scenario for years, it might make sense in the short term (especially if you are borrowing money to pay for the investment).

Cash flow equivalent

This is when your expenses are about equal to your income each month. If you’re cash flow negative, your goal should be to get to equivalence as quickly as possible. Achieving equivalence for the short term may mean you’re on way to profitability. However, if you maintain equivalence, you might be hoping for a profitable pay-off on the sale price of the house when you choose to sell.

Cash flow positive

This is when your expenses are less than the income you earn each month on your properties and it’s a great place to be. In the words of Kiyosaki (from his book Cash Flow Quadrant), he would be willing to buy investments that were even $80 cash flow positive each month – and he’d be willing to buy as many of those as he could get his hands on. Fortunately, it’s not hard to reach this level… and beyond.
So, how much cash flow do you need for a rental to make sense in FL? Probably less than you think! After all, Kiyosaki started with just $25 cash flow positive each month and there are some scenarios where even temporarily cash flow negative investments make sense.
Read an article from Realtors Magazine about current investment property sales.
Here is an article in Bigger Pockets Magazine.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

4 Costs Associated With Rental Property In Orlando


These three factors exist in rental properties throughout the Orlando area and we can help you find them. In fact, we’ve got an inventory of homes that meet these and other requirements for what makes a good investment property in Orlando… and our clients love working with us because we help them bypass the time and effort required to FIND these properties, since we’ve already done a lot of the legwork.
There might be a number of different reasons why you need to sell your Orlando Florida house fast.
To find answers to your Real Estate questions visit my blog.
Please take a peek at our current listings.
If you’re thinking about investing in rental property, you’re probably doing your due diligence to make sure it’s right for you. Likely, one step in that due diligence is figuring out what expenses you’ll pay. Smart! To help you, we’ve created this list of 4 costs associated with rental home’s in Orlando…
When it comes to investing in investment properties, it’s easy to think of the cash flowing income. But remember that your profit doesn’t come from the gross rent but what’s left over after your expenses. For that reason, here are 4 costs associated with rental property in Orlando that you should be aware of…

4 Costs Associated With Rental Property In Orlando

#1. Taxes And Fees

One of the costs you’ll have is the property tax you’ll pay, which could include property tax, school tax, municipal taxes, waste and recycling tax, HOA fees, as well as any potential income tax on your rental income. We can’t give you an exact amount that you’ll pay (it depends on a number of factors) but you should be aware of what the taxes will be.

#2. Insurance

Investment property is an asset and you’ll want to make sure that you and your asset is protected. For that reason, you should insure it. Make sure you insure the property and structure against damage (such as fire), as well as have some liability insurance in case your tenant or a visitor hurts themselves. Your tenant should also have insurance on their belongings.

#3. Upkeep

Another cost, which may be harder to estimate ahead of time, is upkeep costs. This includes things like the costs to maintain and repair the furnace, hot water tank, roof, and the plumbing and electrical systems in the house. Upkeep costs would be incurred whether you live in the house or your rent it out, and they’re important to ensure that your rental property is a nice place to live.

 #4. Time

This last cost might surprise you but it’s the cost of owning a rental and dealing with tenants. You’ll need to spend some time finding a tenant, doing a background check, making sure they pay their rent on time, and occasionally checking on the property. And, since “time is money”, there is a cost implication to you. It can be minimized, though, with an investment into a good property and a property management team.


Before you let this list scare you away, remember: every investment has costs… whether it’s the transaction fees or management fees charged by your stockbroker or mutual fund manager, or whether it’s these 4 costs associated with rental property in Orlando. What’s important for you to decide is whether the benefits far outweigh the costs. And when it comes to rental property, we believe they do.

Want to see what rental properties we have available in our inventory? We’d love to show you. Click here now and fill out the form to get access or call our office at (407) 781-7312 and we’ll make sure to get a list of our latest rental property inventory over to you right away.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Homeowners Reap Remodeling Benefits Whether Selling or Staying, Say Realtors® | MAGGIE KASPERSKI



If you want to sell your house, but you’re thinking about selling it in the summer, you may want to rethink that plan. Here are 4 reason why summer house selling isn't ideal in Florida, but there are other reasons too.
There might be a number of different reasons why you need to sell your Orlando Florida house fast.
To find answers to your Real Estate questions visit my blog.
Please take a peek at our current listings.
Homeowners preparing to sell often make improvements, both big and small, to their homes that can help yield positive results and garner top dollar from buyers. According to a new report from the National Association of Realtors®, remodeling projects can also bring major benefits to homeowners who choose to remain in their homes.
"Realtors® know that certain home upgrades and remodels can be beneficial to get more buyer eyes on a property, potentially bring in more offers or gain more equity from a home," said NAR President Tom Salomone, broker-owner of Real Estate II Inc. in Coral Springs, Florida. "But remodeling projects are just as valuable to homeowners who simply want to get more joy out of their dwellings. Regardless of the situation, Realtors® know what remodeling projects bring the biggest bang for the buck and what projects are most likely to improve a homeowner's impression of their current place."
According to NAR's 2015 Remodeling Impact Report, which uncovers the reasons homeowners choose a remodel and the increased happiness certain projects bring once completed, 64 percent have experienced increased enjoyment in their house after completing a renovation. Additionally, 75 percent of respondents said they felt a major sense of accomplishment when thinking of their completed project. Fifty-four percent of respondents felt happy about the changes to their home, and 40 percent felt satisfied. As for their reasons to complete a remodeling project, 38 percent of homeowners said they wanted to upgrade worn-out surfaces, finishes and materials; 17 percent wanted to add features and improve livability; and 13 percent believed it was time for a change.
Realtors® named kitchen upgrades, complete kitchen renovations, bathroom renovations and new wood flooring as the interior projects that most appeal to potential buyers. Similarly, Realtors® also ranked projects based on expected value at resale (without accounting for project price); the projects that ranked the highest in this category were complete kitchen renovations, kitchen upgrades, bathroom renovations and the addition of a bathroom.
When looking at the interior projects that yield the biggest financial results upon resale, Realtors® ranked hardwood flooring refinishes (100 percent of project cost recovered upon resale), insulation upgrades (95 percent recovered), new wood flooring (91 percent recovered), and converting a basement to a living area (69 percent recovered) as projects to consider.
Exterior projects are also important for both sellers and homeowners looking to increase satisfaction with their current home. Realtors® said new roofing, new vinyl windows, new garage doors and new vinyl siding are most appealing to potential buyers and are highly valued upon resale (both considering project price and disregarding project price). Upon resale, Realtors® said new roofing would recover 105 percent of its project cost, a new garage door would recover 87 percent, new vinyl siding would recover 83 percent, and new vinyl windows would bring back 80 percent of their cost. As for exterior projects that bring the most happiness for those not necessarily intending to sell, homeowners said new fiber-cement siding, new fiberglass or steel front doors, new roofing, and new garage doors brought the most satisfaction.
The 2015 Remodeling Impact Report, the first of its kind from NAR that examines personal satisfaction from remodeling projects, surveyed Realtors®, consumers who have completed their own remodeling projects, and members of the National Association of the Remodeling Industry.
"Remodeling projects can greatly improve both the value of and satisfaction with one's home, which are great things no matter the reason for a project," said Judy Mozen, president of the National Association of the Remodeling Industry. "This report highlights the best projects to consider in either situation and showcases just how much of a difference a good and professional remodel can make in real numbers."
Salomone said the report not only assists homeowners who are preparing to sell in choosing the best projects to attract buyers, but it also helps those looking to get more personal satisfaction out of their homes. "Realtors® know that remodeling projects aren't just done to get more money for a home once it's time to sell - a home is your sanctuary, the place you raise your family and where you make lifelong memories, which is why the report can also help consumers decide which projects could enhance their current quality of life and happiness," he said.
The National Association of Realtors®, "The Voice for Real Estate," is America's largest trade association, representing 1.1 million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries.
The National Association of the Remodeling Industry is the medium for business development, a platform for advocacy and the principal source for industry intelligence. NARI connects homeowners with its professional members and provides tips and tricks so that the consumer has a positive remodeling experience.

Affordability, Tight Supply Cause Vacation Home Sales to Plummet in 2016; Investment Sales Climb 4.5% | ADAM DESANCTIS



If you want to sell your house, but you’re thinking about selling it in the summer, you may want to rethink that plan. Here are 4 reason why summer house selling isn't ideal in Florida, but there are other reasons too.

There might be a number of different reasons why you need to sell your Orlando Florida house fast.

To find answers to your Real Estate questions visit my blog.
Please take a peek at our current listings.
Last year’s strongest pace of home sales in a decade included a sizeable drop in activity from vacation buyers and a jump from individual investors, according to an annual second-home survey released today by the National Association of Realtors®. The survey additionally found that vacation and investment buyers in 2016 were more likely to take out a mortgage and use their property as a short-term rental.
NAR’s 2017 Investment and Vacation Home Buyers Survey 1, covering existing- and new-home transactions in 2016, revealed that vacation home purchases last year descended to an estimated 721,000, down 21.6 percent from 2015 (920,000) and the lowest since 2013 (717,000).
Investment-home sales in 2016 rose 4.5 percent to 1.14 million from 1.09 million in 2015. Owner-occupied purchases jumped 12.5 percent to 4.21 million last year from 3.74 million in 2015 – the highest level since 2006 (4.82 million).
Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, says vacation sales in 2016 tumbled for the second consecutive year and have fallen 36 percent from their recent peak high in 2014 (1.13 million). “In several markets in the South and West – the two most popular destinations for vacation buyers – home prices have soared in recent years because substantial buyer demand from strong job growth continues to outstrip the supply of homes for sale,” he said. “With fewer bargain-priced properties to choose from and a growing number of traditional buyers, finding a home for vacation purposes became more difficult and less affordable last year.”
Added Yun, “The volatility seen in the financial markets in late 2015 through the early part of last year also put a dent in sales as some affluent households with money in stocks likely refrained from buying or delayed plans until after the election.”
Tight inventory conditions pushed the median sales price of both vacation and investment homes last year to levels not seen in roughly a decade. The median vacation home price was $200,000, up 4.2 percent from 2015 ($192,000) and the highest since 2006 (also $200,000). The median investment-home sales price was $155,000, up 8.0 percent from 2015 ($143,500) and the highest since 2005 ($183,500).
With home prices steadily rising, an increasing share of second-home buyers financed their purchase last year. The share of vacation buyers who paid fully in cash diminished to 28 percent (38 percent in 2015), while cash purchases by investors decreased to 35 percent from 39 percent in 2015 and 41 percent in 2014.
“Sales to individual investors reached their highest level since 2012 (1.20 million) as investors took advantage of record low mortgage rates and recognized the sizeable demand for renting in their market as renters struggle to become homeowners,” said Yun. “The ability to generate rental income or remodel a home to put back on a market with tight inventory is giving investors increased confidence in their ability to see strong returns in their home purchase.”
Vacation sales accounted for 12 percent of all transactions in 2016, which was the lowest share since 2012 (11 percent) and down from 16 percent in 2015. The portion of investment sales remained unchanged for the third consecutive year at 19 percent, and owner-occupied purchases increased to 70 percent (65 percent in 2015).
Greater interest in short-term rentals; South most popular destination
Given the rising popularity of short-term rentals in locales throughout the country, it’s no surprise there were slightly more investment and vacation buyers renting their property for less than 30 days. Forty-four percent of investors (42 percent in 2015) and 29 percent of vacation buyers (24 percent in 2015) did or tried to rent their property last year and plan to do so in 2017. Twenty-one percent of investment buyers and 15 percent of vacation buyers did not rent their home for short-term purposes last year but plan to try it in 2017.
Vacation buyers’ typically earned $89,900 ($103,700 in 2015), while investment buyers had a household income of $82,000 ($95,800 in 2015). Both were most likely to purchase a single-family home in the South, with vacation buyers preferring a beach location and investors choosing a suburban area.
The top two reasons for buying a vacation home were to use for vacations or as a family retreat (42 percent) and for future retirement (18 percent), while investors mostly bought to generate income through renting (42 percent) and for potential price appreciation (16 percent).
NAR’s 2017 Investment and Vacation Home Buyers Survey, conducted in March 2017, surveyed a sample of households that had purchased any type of residential real estate during 2016. The survey sample was drawn from an online panel of U.S. adults monitored and maintained by an established survey research firm. A total of 2,099 qualified adults responded to the survey.
The 2017 Investment and Vacation Home Buyers Survey can be ordered by calling 800-874-6500, or online at www.nar.realtor/prodser.nsf/Research. The report is free to NAR members and accredited media and costs $149.95 for non-members.
The National Association of Realtors®, “The Voice for Real Estate,” is America’s largest trade association, representing 1.2 million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries.    

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Make sure you do these things before selling your house in Orlando Florida


If you want to sell your house, but you’re thinking about selling it in the summer, you may want to rethink that plan. Here are 4 reason why summer house selling isn’t ideal in Florida, but there are other reasons too.
There might be a number of different reasons why you need to sell your Orlando Florida house fast.
To find answers to your Real Estate questions visit my blog.
Please visit our current listings.
It is no secret that selling a house in Orlando can be one of the biggest transactions to a number of homeowners.
However, before you start marketing your house and bringing potential buyers into it… there are a few things you should do, that we’ve learned over the years here at Eugene Hoffman LLC, to help increase your chances of selling your house faster and for a better price.

Sell Your Orlando House Faster By Doing These FIRST

De-Clutter and Take Down Some Of Your Family Memorabilia
You might want to take your time and make the whole place less personal by removing family photos and other memorabilia if you have a bunch of it up.  Get rid of that shrine of little Johnny’s sports metals and the fridge full of kids drawings. At first, this may feel very weird to you, but to a potential buyer… they need to be able to picture themselves in that house. But if you fill the fridge with pictures and momentos of your family… it makes it harder for the buyer to see the fridge and picture their own things on it.
The following are other things that will play out before you sell your home.
Price it Right
While it can be very easy to decide on what you want your home to fetch in the market, it will make more sense if you consider the industry standards when determining its actual market value.  And just know that what you want for your house and what someone in the current market will pay for it may be two different things.
Remember many people may be looking for homes, but they have become smarter than never before and they come armed with “research” they found online on websites like Zillow (which tends to value houses lower than what a buyer will actually pay for them). After all, research has actually shown that over 90% of home buyers start their search for new homes through the internet… so make sure that you’re not asking far more than the online sources show (or have a great reason to back up your higher price to potential buyers).

NOTE: If you’re looking for an accurate value to your Orlando Florida, we can actually help you with that. We buy houses in Orlando and know the market very well and would love to give you a no obligation offer on your house and a very accurate Valuation so you know what other buyers in the market may pay on the open market. Just call us, Eugene Hoffman LLC, at (407) 781-7312 or submit your property information to us through the form through this link here >>. 

Make the Property More Enticing
Technically, once you have the house marketed, in many cases, it can attract attention right away. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that over 70 percent of the potentials buyers will see the home within 3 to 6 months after its listing. However, if you’re not getting the attention you want for your house… there are some things you can do to make your house look better to potential buyers.
Things like… 
  • Do the small things in your yard… ideally you can ensure the shrubs and the yard are neatly done and trimmed. You can even go extra mile and you replace the existing flowers with new and fresh ones.
  • Do repairs or repaint your house if it’s looking battered and bruised. It’s is more important than you may think.
  • If you have great furniture… think about including some of the furniture in the sale if the buyer wants it.
The thing about most “retail” buyers out there… is the majority of them have a hard time looking past the ugly parts of a house. Yes, they can repaint it after they buy… or they can re-do the yard… but a first impression is a lasting impression… and some buyers just can’t get past that initial ugly visual.
Don’t have the money or time to do the repairs or upgrades yourself?  It may take a while to sell a house that has been neglected over the years. But, local Orlando Florida home buyers like Eugene Hoffman LLC, we can buy your house fast, for cash, and you won’t have to do any repairs yourself. We’ll take care of it all, on our dime.
If you’re interested to see what we can pay for your Orlando house, fill out the form on the next page here >> .
We’ll make you a fair cash offer within 24 hours. No obligationNo rush.
Have an Inspection Carried Out
To avoid being surprised with some property problems that must be sorted before the deal is closed, make sure you have an inspection done and the key reports prepared well in advance that is long before the buyers start to show up. Ensure every single issue is dealt with. The best part, the more your house is problem free, the more it is going to sell within the shortest time possible.
If you need a referral to a great local Orlando Home Inspection Service, shoot us an email or give us a call at (407) 781-7312 and we’d be happy to give you some names of reputable inspectors who can help you out.
Get All the Paperwork
Although, this step is often ignored, it is surprisingly important. After all, every buyer will actually want to know everything about the house before he or she takes the rein. Who normally does the maintenance and after how long, when were the important systems like the HVAC last maintained, etc. are some of things that the buyer will want to see.


If you want to sell your house, but you’re thinking about selling it in the summer, you may want to rethink that plan. Here are 4 reason why summer house selling isn’t ideal in Florida, but there are other reasons too.
There might be a number of different reasons why you need to sell your Orlando Florida house fast.
To find answers to your Real Estate questions visit my blog.
Please visit our current listings.
Are you worried on how to sell your house quickly in Orlando without any hassle?
In this article I’ll dive into some ways you can start to look at to sell your local house more quickly.
There are lots of reasons people need to sell their house fast.
For instance, some of these reasons may include:
  • need to relocate to another city because of a job change
  • vacant property is being a burden on you
  • divorce
  • financial hardship
  • you inherited a house that you don’t want to keep
  • … among other reasons for needing to sell your house
So, if you’re looking to sell your local home fast (which who wants to sell their house slowly anyway?)… check out some of my tips below in this quick article.

Leverage The Web To Get The Word Out

Stats have shown that over 80% of house buyers go to the web first to research and find houses.
So if your house isn’t on the web… how are buyers going to find out about your house?
There are lots of ways to get your house online. You can list it on websites like Zillow, redfin, Craigslist… or even setup your own website for the property.
Then, take that property listing and get it everywhere online that you can. List it on all of the classifieds websites (again, Craigslist, Backpage, etc.).
Total Cost: FREE – Cheap (most routes are free, but some of these sites have paid versions)

Use Facebook To Spread The Word About Your Orlando House For Sale

One of the best ways to sell a house is through word of mouth.
Tell all of your friends and family that you’re selling… and have them tell everyone they know.
Also, hop on your Facebook account and share the property listing with your friends and ask them to spread the word for you to all of their friends who may be interested. What you need to do is simply send your link to your Facebook friends.
There may be a person in dire need of a house. Besides, you may also get a friend who may link you up with a buyer. The importance of using Facebook over other social networks is that it is free and you only need to be connected to the internet in your computer.
Total Cost:  FREE

Use of Local Dailies (Newspapers, Magazines, etc.)

One of the things we’ll do whenever we need to sell a house fast is also get our property in the local newspaper. It gets your house in front of lots of people… and one place lots of buyers look for houses is in the “homes for sale” section of the paper.  Put your phone number… a link to your online listing if you have one… a picture (ads with pictures get many many more responses than ads without the picture of the house).
Add in a few of the best parts about your house… the price… and end with a clear call to action on how they can setup a time to come check your house out.
Total Cost: Under $100

Get Your House On The Local Orlando FL MLS

The number one place buyers look for a house is the “multiple listing service”. That’s the fancy name for where houses go when a Realtor “list” a house.
A listing for your house will go into a central database that all local Orlando real estate agents in our area will have access to… so they can bring their buyers to the houses on the MLS that fit what they’re looking for.
You can get your house on the MLS without hiring a real estate agent to sell your house.  Some agents will let you pay a few hundred bucks to just list your house on the MLS for you and take no commission on the sale.

Sell Your House To A Reputable Local Property Buyer Like Eugene Hoffman LLC

Last, as another option to sell your house… if you really need to sell your Orlando.
We buy houses in and around Orlando FL, and can close quickly.
If you want to sell your house and are curious on how the process works… and want to see what we can pay you for your house… you can get that ball rolling in a couple ways.
  1. Give us a call today at (407) 781-7312: We’ll ask a few basic questions about your house… and within 24 hours we’ll make you an offer on your house. No Obligation at all. If the price works for you. Great! We can close on your timeline… in as little as 7 days.
  2. Go fill out this really short and simple form with your basic house info: We’ll evaluate the property as soon as we get it today… then we’ll call you with a formal offer on your house in less than 24 hours.
It’s really simple.  You pay no feesNo commissions.
We just agree on a price that works for both of us and that’s it.
Let us make you an offer on your Orlando area house (we buy in other parts of FL as well). You don’t have anything to lose.  And you can have your house sold by this time next week (if you wanted us to close that fast) rather than having to wait months and months to market your house yourself the traditional way.

How to Sell your House by Yourself in Orlando


If you want to sell your house, but you’re thinking about selling it in the summer, you may want to rethink that plan. Here are 4 reason why summer house selling isn’t ideal in Florida, but there are other reasons too.
There might be a number of different reasons why you need to sell your Orlando Florida house fast.
To find answers to your Real Estate questions visit my blog.
Please visit our current listings.

Selling your house is something you’ll have to do maybe just a few times in your life.  And unless you know a local Orlando real estate agent who will sell your house for free or a hugely discounted commission… it can be a real pain in the rear and an expensive process for you as well.
So… you landed on this page about “How to sell your house by yourself in Orlando FL” because of a few reasons I’m guessing…
  • You have no or very little equity in your house so you can’t afford to pay a real estate agents commissions
  • You have equity but want to try to save money selling the house yourself before you resort to hiring an agent
  • You’re in foreclosure (or heading that way) and just need to sell fast without incurring thousands in agent commissions
  • You can’t wait the months and months it sometimes takes to sell a house in the Orlando area in this market so you want to try to sell it more quickly
Whatever one you land in… there are ways to sell your house yourself here in the local Orlando real estate market.
Since 2013, the housing sector has been experiencing a major recovery. Selling your house at this time will definitely be profitable if you do it right. In most cases, it is about using smart marketing strategies and being realistic about your expectations on what you want to achieve with this sale.
This article will provide some guidelines to help you sell your Orlando area house yourself.

How To Sell Your House By Yourself In Orlando FL – Let’s Dive In

Know The Orlando Real Estate Market Well 
The first and most important step is doing a market research on your neighborhood in the Orlando FL area. This step involves visiting various home marketing sites (ZillowEppraisal the Chase home value estimator, etc), calling a real estate agent or two to see what your home is worth, or reading about the various market pricing techniques.Proper homework on these issues will allow you to come up with a right price for your house and also helps you to avoid making certain selling mistakes.
If you don’t want to hassle with trying to come up with a home value yourself… give us a call at (407) 781-7312 and we’ll give you an honest fair valuation of what your house is worth on the retail market (if you’re going to wait the 3-6+ months to find the perfect retail buyer). And if you want to… we’ll make you a fair all-cash offer on your house to give you that option of selling quickly (we can close in as little as 7 days if you want to).
Asses the market
This step is almost similar to conducting market research, only that in this case, you are bound to your neighborhood and similar houses. Are there lots of houses for sale in your neighborhood here in Orlando? If so, what is the average that they are listing for?  Are there lots of foreclosures in your neighborhood? That may drag your house price down.
Asses the house
As a seller, your house should be in top condition or shape in order to sell at a good price. Identify certain unique characteristics about it and emphasize them during the marketing. For example, in a Orlando, a house with a drive way parking may be more attractive to buyers compared with one with a garage parking.
Also, does your house require repairs?  Does it need to be repainted inside or out?  How is the condition of the roof?  Is the landscaping in good shape? Is the house outdated at all? (you know, those popcorn ceilings ;-).  All of these things can make the house more attractive or less attractive depending on the buyer… which changes the price they’re willing to pay.
After all of this… come up with an asking price for your Orlando home that is fair… isn’t so high it’ll take you 12 months to sell the house… but is attractive so you get a frenzy of buyers who are ready to buy it quickly.
Use Photos or Videos
Orlando buyers are obsessed with media. Taking walk-through videos of the house and using the videos to advertise will enable you to reach a wider market. In fact, these videos are considered more transparent than taking photos.  However, this should not stop you from using the latter option since it is more affordable compared to the video.
So take some great pictures. Take a picture of every room in the house that helps show it off. Take a picture of the house from the outside in a few different angles… people want to see the house before they ever show up to see it. So having great pictures of your house online could be the difference between getting the right buyer quickly… and waiting months and months to sell.
Get Your House “Listed” On The Local Orlando MLS And Market It
You can find no or low fee real estate brokers these days who will charge you a few hundred bucks to put your house on the local Orlando MLS.  This gets your house in front of all of the real estate agents quickly (so be prepared to pay those “buyers” agents a 2-3% buyers broker fee if you plan to have their support in helping you find a buyer.
Place ads in the local newspaper, signs on the roads, and hold an open house.

All Of This Sound Like A Lot Of Work To Sell Your Orlando House Fast Yourself?

It can be.
And in the end, many Orlando house sellers think they’re saving money and time by marketing the house themselves… when in the end it costs them more money to go that route.
When you sell your own house here are some things you need to consider…
  • If you’re not a good marketer or aren’t ready to spend a bunch of time marketing your house right… selling it yourself may not be your best bet
  • If you don’t do a good job preparing the house and the marketing materials… and working with buyers to really build the value of your house in their minds… you may actually sell the house for 3-8% less than you may get for the same house an experienced person marketed the house for you
  • Too many sellers never think about holding costs or opportunity costs… every month that your house doesn’t sell means another mortgage payment, tax payment, insurance, utilities, etc.  If your mortgage payment is $1,500/mo… and $1,300 of that is interest… if it takes you 7 months to sell your house… that cost you an extra $9,100 (not to mention taxes and insurance you paid during that time).  So, if you were able to sell that house more quickly… would it make sense for you to provide a buyer a discounted price today so you can close quickly and move on? Something to think about.
If you’d rather not put up the hassle of trying to sell your Orlando house yourself… and would rather just sell it quickly for a fair price without paying any commissions or fees…
… here at Eugene Hoffman LLC we actually buy local Orlando FL houses.
We’d love to make you a fair, NO OBLIGATION and NO HASSLE cash offer on your house.
We can close quickly (in as little as 7 days if you wanted to)… which would save you thousands of dollars vs. trying to sell the house yourself and waiting for months.
Also, when we buy local Orlando houses we do all repairs that are needed (we pay for it ourselves) so you don’t have to worry about that.
If you want to see what we can pay for your house, give us a call today at (407) 781-7312 or just fill out the quick simple form through the link below.

Selling Your Orlando House Yourself? –
Get A Cash Offer From Us First Before You Waste
Time, Money, And Energy Selling It Yourself >>