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www.InvestorsGoldmine.com | 4/2.5 BATH, POOL, BRICK HOME, WINTER PARK, 420K | ARV 700

www.InvestorsGoldmine.com 4/2.5 BATH, POOL, BRICK HOME, WINTER PARK, 420K | ARV 700 $419,900  4 bd, 2.5 ba, 3050 sqft ...

Monday, July 31, 2017

5 Ways to Find Motivated Buyers Now in Orlando

Ways to Find Motivated Buyers Now in Orlando
Are you looking for ways to find motivated buyers for your real estate properties? Do you invest in real estate but have difficulty finding the right buyers in Orlando? Perhaps you are looking in the wrong place.
The key to locating the right buyers for your real estate properties is to match up the properties you are selling with the types of people most interested in obtaining those properties. Here are 5 ways to find motivated buyers now in Orlando Florida.

5 Ways to Find Motivated Buyers for Your Properties

If you are looking for ways to find the right buyers for your real estate properties, you have to learn to think like the buyer. What is important to them? What type of property are they looking for? Considering these factors can help you to tune into what the buyer is after.
Buyers generally want help with the following things:
  • Finding the right home to purchase
  • Determining what homes in the same range are selling for
  • Negotiating the price for the best deal
  • Negotiating the terms of sale
  • Help with paperwork and forms
If you can figure out how to help potential buyers with these areas of concern, you may be able to win over a buyer who might be on the fence about one of your properties.
Beyond offering help to your potential buyers, look into these 5 ways to find motivated buyers now to find the best potential investors for your properties.
  1. Search the classifieds (both off and online). If you want to get an idea about who is looking for properties, you should start with the classified ads. People often place ads asking for certain types of properties that they may be looking for in Orlando as well as other parts of Florida. It takes a keen eye to pick up on these ads but if you check them regularly, it may pay off for you when trying to sell properties. Check online ads too in places like Craigslist or Realestate.com to see what people are searching for and what is available.
  2. Place an ad yourself. Just as you can locate motivated buyers by searching the classified ads, you can sometimes find buyers by placing an ad for your property yourself. Make the ad attractive using the best photo possible to represent the house, then create a compelling description using words that resonate with your target audience. You can also place your home with a real estate agency and then they will list the property for you in their section of the newspaper.
  3. Create a real estate video. Video sells better than any other medium. If you can create stunning sales video that shows a tour of the house (both inside and outside), you will draw more interest from motivated buyers. Place the video on YouTube and your social media accounts and use descriptive words that match up with what potential buyers are looking for including the location in which the home is located.
  4. Buy real estate leads.  One unconventional way to find people who are wanting to buy real estate properties is to purchase real estate leads. Companies such as Experian.com offer a way to purchase real estate leads that help you locate more motivated buyers. However, you should use this cautiously as some leads may be recycled and sold again.
  5. Use social media. Another way to find potential buyers is to use Facebook or other social media. By placing an ad, submitting posts and photos offering information on your properties, you may be able to connect with the perfect buyers via social media outlets.

Find Motivated Buyers in Orlando

We hope you have benefited from these 5 ways to find motivated buyers in Orlando for your real estate properties. Another way to find motivated buyers now is to get help from us. We are experts when it comes to finding motivated buyers in Orlando.
Someone in Orlando is probably looking for a property right now. Call us today at (407) 781-7312 or visit our website and we’ll help you connect with motivated buyers.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

How Do Tax Liens Work in Real Estate in Florida?

How Do Tax Liens Work in Real Estate in FL?
Tax liens are financial holds that the government places on property holders due to their non-payment of taxes. It puts certain restrictions on their ability to buy or sell the property or to make a profit on the real estate in question.
This protects the banks who have an investment in the property as well as any other stockholders of the real estate property until such time that the person pays their taxes or their property is foreclosed.
In the case of foreclosures or default, this is where you can cash in on the investment opportunities in Florida. Even if you have never worked in the real estate industry, there are ways that you can take advantage of the opportunities that tax liens provide.

How Do Tax Liens Work in Real Estate in Florida?

First, Know the Tax Lien Laws

Before you can cash in on the opportunities of tax liens in a real estate investment, you have to know what the applicable laws are in Florida and Orlando. You need to study the laws of your state of residence or the state in which you plan to purchase the property before completing the transaction.
One of the best features about buying a property through the Florida county it is located is if there were any junior liens they will be cleared and removed.
A poor understanding of tax liens and how they work in Florida can lead to lost profits and even stiff fines. Remember, you want to keep your bank account in the positive side at all times and avoid any legal troubles.
In addition to the state laws, there may also be city or county ordinances that dictate what you can do regarding tax liens. Some cities, for example, require that you have a real estate license in order to get involved in the transaction while others do not encourage private lending or private money transactions.

Know Your Limits

Another important thing to know is how much you can afford to invest if you want to cash in on a real estate transaction that involves a tax lien. Remember, if you do start transacting real estate business involving tax liens, you are profiting from the interest on the tax lien that is placed on the property on an annual basis. You must report this amount on your personal income tax and there may also be fees associated with doing this sort of transaction.
Know how much credit you can extend to private investors and try to keep things as simple as possible when it comes to dealing with tax liens. If the person whom the lien is held against does not pay their amount due, the property may revert to you. So make sure you are investing in a good property with resale value.

When to Ask for Help

If you need help, you can locate a real estate investment expert or tax lien specialist and ask them how tax liens work in Florida. That way, you cover both city and state ordinances and figure out what you have to do to be in compliance with state and city laws. The last thing you want to do is to find yourself in a precarious legal situation or one that requires you to pay large fees for your lack of knowledge.
Investing in properties with tax liens can be risky.  It’s no shame to ask for help when you need it to avoid a costly error down the road!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

3 Ideas to Find Home Buyers on Facebook In Orlando, Florida

3 Ideas to Find Home Buyers on Facebook In Orlando, FLIf you’re like a lot of us, you probably think of Facebook as just a place to hang out and have fun, getting and posting recipes and jokes, keeping in touch with friends and family, and picking up the occasional news tidbit.
But it can be a lot more than that and can have some effective business uses. So if you’re trying to sell a home, you may want to use these tips. Finding leads both to buy a home or sell a house is easy on Facebook.

3 ideas to find home buyers on Facebook in Orlando

1. Treat Facebook Like an Inbound-Marketing Channel

First, don’t try to use an unfocused shotgun approach, and don’t try to force Facebook marketing into the old outbound marketing mold. Instead, think of it as inbound marketing.
According to a post titled “Stop Failing on Facebook: 8 Ways to Rake in the Real Estate Leads“, some sellers, using well deployed Facebook inbound marketing techniques, are garnering “over 100 highly targeted leads a month into their email database.” The goal isn’t to broadcast a bunch of “let’s see what sticks to the wall” sales pitches or ads or to get a ton of “likes.” No, the goal is to get targeted leads and then to convert them – using the tested inbound techniques of the internet marketer – because, like it or not, you’re now in the inbound marketing business.

2. Use Targeted Facebook Ads

Facebook has all the data, and you can leverage that fact and let Facebook use that data to help you sell homes. Well-thought-out and carefully crafted Facebook ads can get great results – or they can be a waste of both time and money.
Facebook keeps track of all those bits of data (interest indicators) about what people want based on what they type on their wall, what they comment on, and what they share. Facebook then feeds all that into their algorithms. As a result, they know exactly who is interested in buying a home in Orlando, the kind of home, and the price range. For example, Facebook knows (and has reported) that 1,135,580 users show interest in the “Real Estate” category.
All you have to do is use the available keywords and audience demographics to target your specific audience. Couple that with some top-notch copy-writing in your ad, all the while making sure to treat it as inbound marketing, and you should have a winning combination.

3. Find the Influencers on Facebook in Orlando

If you want to find home buyers on Facebook in Orlando, you’ll definitely want to look into this last one. It takes less time and effort and builds on targeted, already-established audiences.
There are people out there in the real estate industry with a huge, effective, lead-generating Facebook presence. There are also people who are simply sharing information (content) a potential home buyer would find interesting, readable, and shareable. And often these two groups are the same or at least overlap quite a bit. They are recognized as experts and have a lot of clout. So why not take advantage of this existing marketing power?
Your job is to seek out and identify these people who are popular and influential on Facebook in the area of home buying and selling. Then, having found them, you can begin to interact – not just plug your home selling business. You might, for example, like their pages or post useful, insightful comments on their posts. The goal is to get your name and your houses in front of a much larger audience than you could using your influence alone.

Use These Tips

So use these 3 ideas to find home buyers on Facebook in Orlando and leverage the power of this social media channel. Get higher returns on your effort, time, and money invested with these ideas and take advantage of the potential for the greater number of targeted leads you can generate. To discover more, just give us a call at 321-231-7100 or fill out the form, on our website.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

5 Features of a Profitable Investment Property in Orlando

neighborhood: features of a profitable investment property
You’ve probably heard the horror stories about people who buy a property for investment purposes, and then that property turns out to be a huge money pit rather than a money-making asset. It can certainly happen, but it doesn’t have to if you keep in mind these 5 features of a profitable investment property in Orlando.
So, then, what are three most important things to look for when you’re considering a potential investment property? You already know the answer because you’ve heard so many times before. And those three things are, of course, location, location, and location.
But that seemingly over-simplified answer contains all the rest within it. With that in mind, we offer these 5 features to help you in your investment decisions.

Low Crime Rate

You most likely won’t want to invest in a property in a high-crime area. On the face of it, this probably seems to be the most obvious of our 5 features of a profitable investment property in Orlando. But things aren’t always what they seem on the surface, so you have to do a little digging.
Check with the local police department and visit the public library to get accurate crime statistics for the area in which your potential investment property is located. Be sure to look at the number of both serious and petty crimes, vandalism rates, and the growth/decline in local crime rates. It’s also a good idea to talk to neighbors about the frequency of police presence in the area.

Promising Neighborhood

The personality and quality of the neighborhood (and there’s location again) play a big part, too. The kind of neighborhood will determine in large part the kind of tenants you will attract.
Here’s an example. Suppose a property you’re considering is located very near a college or university. That means the pool of potential tenants you have to draw from will consist largely of students. And, as a result, you’ll have to deal with frequent vacancies, especially during the summer months.

Reasonable Property Taxes

Property taxes are, of course, an inevitable expense, but they aren’t always as uniform and predictable as you’d think. And you don’t want overly high property taxes to cut into your investment returns. So, again, you need to conduct some research.
A good place to start is the local assessment office where the tax information for your property will be on file. You can also talk to homeowners in the area to get a feel for property-tax rates.

Solid Job Market

Obviously, if they can’t find work, they can’t rent it or buy it. If the investment property is in an area with solid or growing employment opportunities, then it’s probably a good bet. And if a large company has announced plans to move into the area, that can be an even sweeter deal for you.
Your research in this area should probably start with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics where you can find a wealth of information on employment prospects in the area. And, again, the local library can be a good source for pertinent information.

Profitable Rental Rates

For most people, rentals make up the largest portion of their investment property strategy, so it’s imperative to find out what average rental rates are in the area. If you can’t command a reasonable rental fee, then you can’t turn much of a profit on your investment.
You know that the amount of rent you can charge must cover your mortgage payments, property taxes, and upkeep expenses. The thing to keep in mind, though, is that even if rental rates are adequate for this right now, they may not remain that way in the future. What you have to do, then, is look at rental rate trends over, say, a five- or ten-year period. You need to determine whether rental rates will remain high over the next five years or so to justify investing in a particular property.
Just keep in mind these 5 features of a profitable investment property in Orlando, and you’ll likely be well on your way to a sound investment.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Generate Real Estate Buyer Leads in Orlando Florida

Generate Real Estate Buyer Leads in Orlando, Florida
Is your calendar filled with buyers meetings and showings? If you are like most sellers, even if you consider yourself busy, you are always trying to fill that pipeline with buyers. Do you need to generate real estate buyer leads?

Here Are 6 Ways to Get Started Now in Orlando

1. Open Houses

Open houses are tried and true way to meet people who want to buy a house. Ask listing agents in your market area if they need help with an open house. Busy agents often need the extra time to tend to other matters and welcome an enthusiastic person to show their listing.
Many buyers walking through open houses aren’t represented. If you happen to click with them, get their information and have adequate follow up, you may get some leads.
Rarely will the open house walk-in buy the house you’re showing from, but who would argue with that outcome either. What generally happens is the buyers get a feel for their options through open houses. If you can add value with your service to take their search to the next level, you’ll capture a buyer.

2. Get Your Website Ranked

The quickest way to get leads is to pay Google and Bing.
There are a number of ways to get your website ranked at the top of search engines. One of the most cost effective ways is to create useful content that buyers want to read. Whether your content is about market trends in Orlando or how to make an offer sellers take notice of, content should be engaging and helpful to buyers.
More buyers research online as much as possible online before they ever reach out to an agent. When they finally do, you want to be top of mind. Be their educator through the process online and get inbound leads consistently.
Don’t forget to have some type of email capturing tool embedded on your website. This will allow you to follow up with them by email later.

3. Facebook and Social Media

Getting leads on social media takes more than just posting listings or asking for referrals. Engage audiences to build your brand. People will follow your posts because you are knowledgeable and fun. Yes, Facebook is a place for fun but it works very well for business too.
Create memes of the “worst listing photos” that you come across in on the MLS. Your audience will appreciate the lightheartedness and subtly realize that a professional pays attention to details.

4. Craigslist Ads for Real Estate Leads

Craigslist is useful for more than just advertising listings. By designing a Craigslist ad that directs buyers to a landing page capturing information on potential buyers, you give yourself a growing book of potential buyers.
Your Craigslist ad needs to have a great title and offer something people want. Just saying, “I’m here to help you find your dream house,” will get you little if anything. Be creative. Create a weekly list of the “5 Biggest Fixer Uppers in Orlando.” Something like this attracts investors looking for fix and flip opportunities. These are potential clients that regularly buy and sell homes. Become their expert deal finder.

5. Give Mortgage Lenders A Platform

Power partners are essential for realtors. Many buyers will start with lenders to see what they qualify for before even looking, let alone talking to an agent. While every lender out there is inundated with agents who want to partner up, offer the lender something in return.
No, you don’t need to buy their love. Remember that engaging content you’re putting out there? Feature your favorite lender as the professional expert for a blog about interest rates or FHA financing. Share their contact information with your audience. Help them build their brand and you’ll get some love in return.

6. Complete and Update a Zillow Profile

Yep, we already said it: buyers are shopping online before they ever call a realtor. With Zillow being the biggest and most popular real estate search provider, complete your profile and constantly update it on Zillow. This optimizes results.
If you can, specialize in a hyper-focused area to have Zillow recognize you in smaller markets because competing in the larger arenas is where bigger brands are spending their money, throwing a wider net.
If you’re looking to buy or sell a home in Orlando or know someone who is, feel free to give us a call at (407) 781-7312 or fill out the form on our website.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

How to Avoid Real Estate Agent Fees When You Sell Your House in Orlando

How to Avoid Real Estate Agent Fees When You Sell Your House
Do you need to know how to avoid real estate agent fees when you sell your house?
Are you going through the regular channels to sell your home through a real estate agent? If so, you’re not alone. Most people choose to go to a real estate agency that they trust to sell their house. That’s the conventional method because people often trust a real estate firm more than they would in selling a house directly to a buyer.
When you choose to use a real estate investor,  you will see how to avoid real estate agent fees when you sell your house. Using a real estate investor cuts out the middle man (real estate company and sales representative), leaving just you and the investor to cut the deal.

Advantages of Using a Real Estate Investor

Sometimes it is a good thing to think outside the box. When you sell directly to a real estate investor instead of a real estate company in  Orlando, you may be able to get a better deal. There are many advantages to selling your house through a real estate investor. Some of the best advantages are listed below.
  • Real estate investors have a lot of cash and working capital on hand so that they can make a deal quickly when they find a house they wish to purchase. If you need to sell your Orlando house fast, this is a great way to do it. You can close in just a few weeks, rather than a few months.
  • Real estate investors are more likely to make you a deal that you can live with. Since they have less limited funds than an individual buyer, you will usually get more for your home than you would when dealing with a real estate company. Remember, too, that a real estate company gets a cut, along with the sales representative who sold your home. When you cut the number of people down to just you and real estate investor, you get a larger slice of the pie.
  • Real estate agents collect a fee for every sale. They are a sales representative for the real estate company that they represent. So they get a percentage of the final sales price, cutting out some of your profit that you could use to purchase or finance another home.

How to Avoid Real Estate Fees When You Sell Your House

When you use a real estate agent, there are no real estate fees to worry about. This puts you in a position to be able to make a better deal for your house, and you can also have the money in your hands much faster than if you used traditional methods. Agent fees can be very high so by avoiding this extra cost, you will free up more money for yourself.
This can help you immensely when you are looking for another house and it lets you control the sales price when you cut out the wheelers and dealers that are so prevalent in the real estate industry.

Contact Us

If you need more information on how to sell your house in Orlando, call us at 321-231-7100. We are always happy to talk to you about selling your house and we can offer options that you may not have thought about before.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Can I give my house in Orlando back to the bank without an expensive foreclosure?


Can I give my house in Orlando back to the bank without an expensive foreclosure?
Trying To Avoid Foreclosure in Orlando? You may be considering giving your house back to the bank.. is it a wise decision?
Can I give my Orlando Florida house back to the bank without an expensive foreclosure?
The answer is YES !  (but with caveats, read below for more details)

There are many ways to avoid an expensive foreclosure in Orlando.

Your first step if you’re trying to avoid foreclosure in Orlando is to speak with your loan provider immediately to examine your choices to prevent home foreclosure.
You have to take action prior to getting too far behind on your mortgage payments in order to halt house foreclosure. You should contact your financial institution once you know you are likely to miss a home loan payment and inform them what is going on with your financial situation.
Your mortgage loan organization would rather work something out with you so they do not generate losses on your property by going through the actual foreclosure process.

You need to be open and honest with your mortgage company.

They may work something out with you that cuts down your rate of interest, which would reduce your monthly payment. In case you miss one or two payments but then are capable of start paying once again, they can usually add those repayments back onto your home loan and consider you caught up on your mortgage. The financial institution will not accommodate you if you do not talk to them about what your situation is ahead of time is and asks for help.

Your mortgage loan bills or your card payments?

You’ll be able to prevent home foreclosure by ensuring you consistently pay your mortgage loan prior to any bills. Your house loan is an essential monthly bill you have. Credit cards should never take priority over your house loan repayment. You can deal with the consequences of not paying your cards a lot easier than you can the implications of failing to pay your mortgage.
Not paying your mortgage loan is the worst thing you can do with regard to your credit score. Getting behind on other sorts of debt like credit cards will never harm your credit as much as getting behind on your home loan. Not paying your mortgage loan could cause you difficulties with your credit cards in any case, so they ought not to be a priority when you have to pay your monthly dues.

Is selling your house in Orlando Florida a way to avoid foreclosure?

One way to prevent home foreclosure is to try to pay your house loan off by putting up your property for sale.
You could probably be free from the financial hole you are in by selling your house for sufficient cash to pay the home loan off.  And sometimes you may be able to have money left to start over again. This is an excellent approach to prevent foreclosure of your Orlando house and avoid a disaster on your credit score at the same time.
Another way to stop property foreclosure in Orlando is to really cut your spending right down to the bare minimum. If you’re able to reduce your expenses adequately you could avoid having to offer to sell the house you love. For anyone who is self-employed, one method to spend less would be to stop renting an office and make a workplace at home. You could also think about selling a car and having just one that you share.
You can definitely proactively do something to stop your home from going into foreclosure and harming your credit and financial situation even further.

We Buy Local Orlando Houses… Can We Make You An Offer?

Here at Eugene Hoffman LLC we buy houses in Orlando FL and surrounding areas and we may be able to help you get out of your house and avoid foreclosure.
The process is really simple:
  1. Fill out the form over here, or call us at (407) 781-7312 and we’ll make you an offer within 24 hours
  2. If you accept the offer we’ll get the documents drawn up and come out and visit you in your home to go over the paperwork
  3. We buy your house when you want us to (in as little as 7 days) at a reputable local closing agent
That’s it!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

When Is The Best Time To Buy Investment Property for Investors in Orlando

Best Time to Buy Investment Property for Investors: Winter MonthsAre you a real estate investor wondering when is the best time to buy investment property for investors? You’ve come to the right place! We are real estate investment experts and we enjoy sharing our knowledge with both sellers and investors so that you can find the best deals.
Real estate investing can be tricky but if you follow these tips on when to invest, you’ll have a better chance at winning the game of real estate investing. Just a little knowledge about how things work in the real estate industry helps you to determine when the market will work best for you.

Look for Desperate Sellers

We’re not talking about taking advantage of people here. But you can help out someone that is hungry to let go of a house for cheap so that they can put their money into the one they really want. It’s a win-win situation if you play your cards right. The way to find these sellers are to look in the paper ads under the real estate section to see who wants to sell fast. Market to people in pre-foreclosure.
Buying from sellers who need to sell quickly may also be in a position to offer you a cheaper deal than those who have more time to sell.

Repossessions and Liens

People who are facing foreclosures from the banks or the courts are also likely to need to sell their home fast to get out of their legal and financial quandary. You can be a Godsend if you present yourself in a manner that is professional and offers them a fair price for their house. Then they can be free of the financial burden and move on with their life.

Buy During the Winter Months

If you look for houses during the winter months, you may avoid getting into a bidding war with other buyers or people who may want to move into the house. Spring and summer are the most common times that families move or change houses. When you avoid these peak times and invest during the winter months, you’ll have more success in finding quality homes that you can resell or rent out.

During Low-Interest Rate Times

Another time to invest in real estate as an investor is during low-interest times. While low-interest rates are generally bad news for the stock market, they are good news for investors because you’ll be able to negotiate a deal with little interest to pay. This saves you a great deal of money in the purchase and may give you a bargaining chip with sellers.

Tips on the Best Time to Buy Investment Property for Investors

If you’re still wondering when is the best time to buy investment property for investors, here are a few other things to look for in the real estate market that may help you find the best deals:
  • Look for high-quality homes that will sell well on the market. It’s only a good investment if you know that you can resell the house for more than you paid for it. Do your research and see if the location is a good one, find out if the area is expected to grow, and study the factors that may influence the market.
  • Offer competitive prices with real estate companies. If you want to compete with the big real estate companies, you’ll need to try to beat their offer when you can. Study the real estate ads and then try your best to beat their prices when you make your offer. Sellers will deal with you if you can offer them a quick solution and they are ready to sell today.
  • Consider the possibilities. Always think about what you will do with the property in Orlando once you purchase it. Do you plan to rent it out, resell it, or fix it up and then put it back on the market? The goal you have for the property should guide your decision on how much to pay and whether to purchase the property.
If you are a real estate investor in Orlando Florida, it’s a good idea to know the area and get an idea of the going prices for the geographical market there. Compare the price you’re willing to pay with that of the local real estate companies and see if you can beat their price.
Talk to the seller and get to know their goals. If you offer them a fair deal, they should be happy to sell to you.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

How to Avoid Real Estate Agent Fees When You Sell Your House in Orlando


How to Avoid Real Estate Agent Fees When You Sell Your House
Do you need to know how to avoid real estate agent fees when you sell your house?
Are you going through the regular channels to sell your home through a real estate agent? If so, you’re not alone. Most people choose to go to a real estate agency that they trust to sell their house. That’s the conventional method because people often trust a real estate firm more than they would in selling a house directly to a buyer.
When you choose to use a real estate investor,  you will see how to avoid real estate agent fees when you sell your house. Using a real estate investor cuts out the middle man (real estate company and sales representative), leaving just you and the investor to cut the deal.

Advantages of Using a Real Estate Investor

Sometimes it is a good thing to think outside the box. When you sell directly to a real estate investor instead of a real estate company in  Orlando, you may be able to get a better deal. There are many advantages to selling your house through a real estate investor. Some of the best advantages are listed below.
  • Real estate investors have a lot of cash and working capital on hand so that they can make a deal quickly when they find a house they wish to purchase. If you need to sell your [market city] house fast, this is a great way to do it. You can close in just a few weeks, rather than a few months.
  • Real estate investors are more likely to make you a deal that you can live with. Since they have less limited funds than an individual buyer, you will usually get more for your home than you would when dealing with a real estate company. Remember, too, that a real estate company gets a cut, along with the sales representative who sold your home. When you cut the number of people down to just you and real estate investor, you get a larger slice of the pie.
  • Real estate agents collect a fee for every sale. They are a sales representative for the real estate company that they represent. So they get a percentage of the final sales price, cutting out some of your profit that you could use to purchase or finance another home.

How to Avoid Real Estate Fees When You Sell Your House

When you use a real estate agent, there are no real estate fees to worry about. This puts you in a position to be able to make a better deal for your house, and you can also have the money in your hands much faster than if you used traditional methods. Agent fees can be very high so by avoiding this extra cost, you will free up more money for yourself.
This can help you immensely when you are looking for another house and it lets you control the sales price when you cut out the wheelers and dealers that are so prevalent in the real estate industry.

Contact Us

If you need more information on how to sell your house in Orlando, call us at 321-231-7100. We are always happy to talk to you about selling your house and we can offer options that you may not have thought about before.

Friday, July 7, 2017

The Devastating Consequences Of Foreclosure In Orlando For House Sellers


The Devastating Consequences Of Foreclosure In Orlando For House Sellers
Going through foreclosure in FL? This article walks you through the affects foreclosure could have on you…
If you are trying to sell your home, you may be finding that it is more difficult than you had expected… especially if your home has any repairs needed that buyers just don’t want to deal with.
In this article we’ll dive into some of the devastating consequences of foreclosure in Orlando for house sellers. 

Local Orlando House Buyers Have Lots Of Options For Houses But Fewer Options For Financing

There are floods of homes on the market, and thanks to the economic turmoil in recent past (and still going on in some areas), some types of houses just aren’t selling as fast as they were 5 years ago… while the “sweet spot” type of house (3 bedroom 2 bath in the middle to lower-middle price range) are selling at a good clip.
Part of it is because lending guidelines have changed since the housing collapse so fewer buyers are out there for some homes… there are still stockpiles of foreclosed houses in Orlando that keep trickling into the market from banks… and buyers are more choosy than they were in years past because many of them have learned that you can no longer buy a house and bank on the fact that it will appreciate a 3%+ a year in value.
If you are a seller in this market, you may be becoming discouraged and wonder how you can just sell your Orlando house fast, right?
If it seems like you keep putting more money out to improve your home (or if you have repairs but don’t have the money to do those repairs), but are still having a hard time selling your Orlando house, you aren’t alone. A buyer’s market makes conditions hard for seller’s to swallow. No one likes to see their home picked apart, criticized, or devalued, but that is exactly what most sellers are dealing with.
Worse yet, due to the devastating consequences of foreclosure in Orlando, many sellers in the area who hold out for the price they want are getting little action and no offers at all… sometimes leaving the house on the market for months on end.

How Foreclosures Have Driven Local Housing Prices Down

When the housing market crashed and the foreclosures began to roll in, it flooded the real estate market in Orlando. That means that there is more inventory on the market. When that happens, that drives the price of everyone’s house down because there are more options (at lower prices) for buyers out there.
When there is more inventory than buyers, it devalues the homes for sale.
The jury is still out on whether we’ve climbed out of this foreclosure hole or not.  There are still lots of foreclosure houses in the Orlando area and the banks are still holding many many area homes in their own inventory that aren’t even for sale yet.
But, there are some things you can do in this market to reach your goals with selling your house.

Selling Your House In A High Foreclosure Market

If you’re wanting (or needing) to sell your house you’ve got a couple options you should look at.
  1. If you don’t need to sell your house fast and can wait the market out… Get A Great Real Estate Agent On Your Side:  If you don’t need to sell your house fast and you can pay the real estate agent commissions… it may be best for you to just wait the market out and give it some time for that perfect buyer to come your way and pay the price you’re looking for.The market is improving and if you can sell your house next year rather than now… it may mean a few extra bucks in your pocket on the sale at a higher value.A great real estate agent can help you list the house and market it for you. If you don’t have a god local agent, just reach out to us and we can connect you with some great real estate agents we know in town who have shown they can sell a house fast. Email us over here for a Orlando area real estate agent referral.
  2. If you DO need to sell your house fast… look for quick sale options like selling your house to us:Selling your house fast in a market like this can be difficult if you go the traditional real estate agent route… unless you discount your house in a big way. Then on top of that discount you’ll be paying the real estate agent commissions… which takes even more cash out of your pocket in the end.Another option you should look at is selling your house to a real estate investment firm like Eugene Hoffman LLC.We buy Orlando houses and can make you a cash offer within 24 hours for a fair price.We’re not looking to list your house… we’re actually looking to buy the house from you… we’ll take care of any repair costs after we buy it from you, then we either keep it as a rental property or we’ll turn around and invest our time, money, and expertise into selling the house to another home owner.It can be a win-win-win situation.If you’re looking for full-retail value of your house, we can’t pay that. We do need a discount so we can make a profit on our end, but you won’t ever pay us any fees or commissions.

Reach Out To Us To Sell Your Orlando FL House Fast… Even In A Market Like Today’s

If you have any questions about our local Orlando house buying service just reach out to us anytime.
You can call us at (407) 781-7312 or reach out to us over on our Contact Page.
Or, if you’re ready to get a fair cash offer on your house today, just click the link below to go to our “Fast Offer” form… then fill out some basic info on your house and we’ll be on our way!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

-AA+A Survey: More Buyers Make Offers Sight Unseen | DAILY REAL ESTATE NEWS | THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2017


The number of buyers making offers sight unseen—meaning they haven't physically visited the property—is on the rise, according to a survey of recent home buyers conducted by real estate brokerage Redfin. Thirty-three percent of respondents in 11 major markets say they made an offer on at least one house sight unseen. These types of offers are more common when working with foreign buyers and in markets where homes are selling quickly, real estate professionals say.
New uses of 3-D photos, video tours, and virtual reality are giving some buyers enough confidence to purchase a home without an in-person showing. The Wall Street Journal reports that some real estate pros are conducting property walkthroughs with long-distance buyers remotely via FaceTime, Skype, or WhatsApp. Some agents are working with technology companies to create 3-D photo and video tours within the virtual reality space to make long-distance buyers feel like they’re at the property in person.
Home buyer Angelo Smyrnios of Littleton, Colo., recently purchased a home in Lighthouse Point, Fla., for $1.65 million without ever stepping foot inside. Smyrnios’ agents, Lisa and John Wilson of Douglas Elliman Boca Raton, gave him and his wife a 45-minute tour of the property using FaceTime while walking through the home and highlighting its features. The agents then FaceTimed their clients while riding on a motorbike so they could get a view of the surrounding neighborhood.
Real estate companies are also seeing more homebuying capabilities with virtual reality. About 10 percent of Sotheby’s International Realty’s listings now have 3-D photo tours in which clients can view 3-D property pictures on a screen or while wearing VR headsets. The company expects that in five years, it’ll have viewing areas in every office, says John Passerini, global vice president of interactive marketing.
Tech startup VirtualAPT offers a robot that can film virtual tours in 3-D. The robot can record a real estate professional guiding a tour of the property and then produce a video within 15 minutes. VirtualAPT CEO Bryan Colin says the goal of these tours is to help faraway buyers see the property themselves and get a full tour virtually.