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www.InvestorsGoldmine.com | 4/2.5 BATH, POOL, BRICK HOME, WINTER PARK, 420K | ARV 700

www.InvestorsGoldmine.com 4/2.5 BATH, POOL, BRICK HOME, WINTER PARK, 420K | ARV 700 $419,900  4 bd, 2.5 ba, 3050 sqft ...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Cost of owning a home is spiking in 2014 By: Diana Olick CNBC

Supply and demand will balance out soon and I believe home prices will decline a small amount in the next two years before the next election. In order for a seller to find a qualified buyer two things must happen. A seller must be willing to a sell at both an affordable price and the home must appraise at the selling price. Second item the market must be big enough to attract dozens of qualified buyers with strong incomes and having good, well paying jobs.

Article by:  Diana Olick    CNBC

The sharp rise in home prices in 2013 caused two conflicting results: The return of positive home equity for hundreds of thousands of borrowers and considerably weaker affordability for an equally Read More... large pool of potential homebuyers.

While positive equity allows more borrowers to move, weaker affordability keeps them in place. So which will be the greater driver of housing this spring?


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