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www.InvestorsGoldmine.com | 4/2.5 BATH, POOL, BRICK HOME, WINTER PARK, 420K | ARV 700

www.InvestorsGoldmine.com 4/2.5 BATH, POOL, BRICK HOME, WINTER PARK, 420K | ARV 700 $419,900  4 bd, 2.5 ba, 3050 sqft ...

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Why the Housing “Recovery” is a Farce – Illustrated by Two Charts By: Louis Cammarosano

The economic recovery has been touted in terms of stock and real estate market gains while employment and wage growth have been non existent. During the housing “recovery” the home ownership rate has fallen to an eighteen year low.
We have blamed this unsustainable high price/low sales housing “recovery” dynamic on the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing programs (QE) whereby the Fed buys trillions of dollars worth of U.S. Treasuries and Mortgage Backed Securies (MBS’s) from the Too Big Too Fail (TBTF) banks with money they print out of thin air with the ostensible purpose of stimulating the economy by keeping interest rates low. In reality, QE has been an enormous continuation of the 2008 Troubled Assest Relief Program (TARP) bailout whereby the Fed continues to remove MBS’s from the TBTF banks’ balance sheets by spending trillions of dollars to buy them from the TBTF banks.

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